Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sometime before the Dr.

Had some time to kill before the Dr. yesterday. Headed out to the food court for some gestures. Then it was off to Fort Sheridan for a quick gouache sketch. From what I gather, Ft. Sheridan is a reclaimed military base turned residential/forest preserve mix. I have only scratched the surface of what is there... But it's an interesting place.

Sort of ended up using a bunch of media yesterday. Nice to break out of the comfort zone once and a while!  Check out my blog for the other sketches from the day.  Have a great Thanksgiving!

Click to Bid, reduced starting price for the Holiday.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Morning in awe!

Not gonna lie... This was hard!

The camera overdoes the saturation I see. Still wish I had a bigger palette.

What an amazing way to spend a morning! Quite literally at the feet of a master! After William-Adolphe Bouguereau!

If you know what painting this was from, please let me know... This image was from a series of details posted by @_artzoom_

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Holiday Studio Sale!

Added a bunch of new work to the site at some great prices!  Time to make some room.  More coming in December.

Thanks for looking!  Happy Holidays!